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Holiday Activity Weeks

We hold our Activity Week at the end of each term. This is a time when children can come to school to spend time with their friends and teachers whilst taking part in different activities to those that they experience during term time. Children from across the school are invited from Nursery all the way up to Prep 6. The children from Nursery spend time together in their familiar spaces and spend the week together. Children from Reception, Pre Prep 1 and Pre Prep 2, spend time together whilst taking part in various activities. The children from Prep 3 to Prep 6 come together too. This allows all children to take part in activities at an age-appropriate level whilst still enjoying spending time with friends from other classes. 

Underpinned by the school’s principles of developing confidence, providing opportunity and realising potential in every single child, the week provides children with the chance to take part in a range of activities within a happy, secure and stimulating environment. Children are afforded the chance to learn skills, cultivate passions and make new friends. 

Activities are designed to keep children active and engaged and each activity week involves sports, computing, drama, music and a range of arts and crafts. Our specialist teachers organise and lead engaging activities covering their subject specialisms, based around the season (Christmas, Easter or Summer). These might include talent contests (Parkgate’s got Talent), swimming, recording Christmas cover songs or making mosaics to name just a few. 

We also invite visitors into school to lead exciting new activities which in the past have included cooking workshops, climbing (with a huge climbing wall built in our front playground), dance workshops, fencing and theatre groups. 

Each day ends with the children coming together to share highlights from their activities. Photos are added to our Activity Week page on the School Blog and parents and children are invited to view and comment on these at home. 

For more information and to sign up for the week, please contact the School Office. 

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